Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Window 2003 Secondary DNS Server/Taking Backup of Primary to Secondary DNS

Primary DNSWe have already installed Primary DNS on, see Windows 2003 DNS Installation and Configuratoin tutorial.

Secondary DNS/ Backup DNS
Installation and Configuration on Secondary DNS

Step 1: Set the static IP e.g, insert Windows 2003 CD into CD rom
Step 2: Open Windows components from Add Remove Programe in Controll Pannel
Step 3: Select Networking Services, click Details, check only on Domain Name Systme DNS, Click Next, This will Install DNS.
Step 4: After install open DNS, expand computer Name, right click on Forward Lookup Zone, right click, Click New Zone
Step 5: Wizard will start, Next, Select Secondary Zone type, Next
Step 6: Enter zone name,, Next
Step 7: Write Master DNS IP here it is, add, Next, Finish
Further Steps on Primary/Master DNS
Step 8: Open DNS and expand Forward Lookup Zones
Step 9: Select Zone name e.g, right click select properties
Step 10:Select Zone Transfer, check Only to the following servers,
Step 11:write Secondary DNS/backup DNS IP e.g, press, Add, apply and Ok

Verification: on Secondary/Backup, open DNS, expand computer name right click on zone e.g, slect Transfer from Master, This will transfer the reconds.

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